Chesapeake Bay Trust Awards - Fiscal Year 2024 - Chesapeake Bay Trust Skip to main content

Chesapeake Bay Trust Awards – Fiscal Year 2024

The Chesapeake Bay Trust (Trust) has awarded over $130 million through more than 14,000 awards to ensure cleaner, greener, healthier Chesapeake, Coastal Bays, and Youghiogheny watersheds since 1985. The Trust has a rigorous grant review process: every proposal submitted over $5,000 is sent to members of a Technical Review Committee (TRC) and is reviewed and scored quantitatively by at least three external individuals who are experts in their fields. The Board of Trustees meets 4 times per year to review and approve all TRC recommended proposals. Proposals for $5,000 or less are reviewed by two or more technical experts on the Chesapeake Bay Trust program team. The award list will be updated after each board meeting. Reach out to the designated program officer for more details.

February 2024

Anne Arundel County Forestry and Forested Land Protection

The goal of this program is to implement cost-effective reforestation and greening projects and increase the number of acres of protected forested land in the County. For information about this grant program click here.

Arundel Rivers Federation: for a 1-acre afforestation project and 200 square feet of invasive plant species removal at Shadewater Way in Annapolis, Maryland. $54,500.

Creekside at Osprey Landing HOA, Inc.: for approximately 1-acre of invasive plant species removal and reforestation in a residential community in Glen Burnie, Maryland. $50,650.

Scenic Rivers Land Trust, Inc.: for the permanent protection of 24-acres of land, removal of invasive species across 2.25-acres, and reforestation of 0.33-acre of forest in Pasadena, Maryland. $128,090.

Chesapeake Bay Program Goal Implementation Team Project Support

This program is a partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Chesapeake Bay Trust which is designed to invite entities experienced in various aspects of fisheries, watershed science and policy, watershed stewardship, outreach and training, climate resilience, submerged aquatic vegetation (sav), and other watershed issues to submit proposals to advance specific outcomes of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. For more information about this grant program click here.

University of Florida: for completion of Scope #4: Addressing Regional Tree Supply Challenges and Opportunities. $68,761

Clean Water Montgomery

This program funds public outreach and stewardship projects, community-based restoration water quality implementation projects, and litter reduction projects in the Anacostia River Watershed through trash trap maintenance and monitoring. For information about this grant program, click here.

Anacostia Riverkeeper: for a litter removal and education program to engage County residents in sustainable litter reduction practices. $35,000.

Anacostia Riverkeeper: for hands-on community science through water quality sampling and educational community events. $39,791.

Centro de Apoyo Familiar: for a youth-led watershed stewardship outreach program to a network of Spanish-speaking, faith-based organizations. $40,000.

Chinese American Parent Association of Montgomery County: to engage the Chinese American community in plastic recycling and waste reduction efforts. $38,750.

Conservation Montgomery: for a series of classes to train home and business owners on long-term tree maintenance. $9,287.

EcoLatinos, Inc.: for an outreach initiative to engage Latine church members in hands-on watershed stewardship education. $39,000.

Friends of Cabin John Creek: for hands-on community science through water quality sampling and a watershed stewardship outreach program. $39,793.

Izaak Walton League of America (The): to educate and engage County residents in environmentally conscious salt application to roads and other impervious surfaces. $32,882.

Izaak Walton League of America (The): to educate and train County commercial property owners in environmentally conscious salt application to roads and other impervious surfaces. $29,937.

Latin American Youth Center: for a local workforce development program to engage youth of color in litter reduction. $42,453.

Maryland Nonprofits: for an outreach campaign to engage Latine community members at the intersection of environmental and public health. $40,000.

Montgomery Countryside Alliance: an updated scope of work that details how messaging will be tailored to highlight the connection between groundwater and surface water quality and focuses messaging primarily for residents and business owners. $26,599.

Montgomery Parks Foundation: to engage low-income, immigrant youth and families of color in a litter clean-up and education program. $45,000.

National Wildlife Federation: to promote environmental stewardship in faith-based organizations and their individual members through native plant installations. $50,000.

Nature Forward: for hands-on community science through water quality sampling and streamside public education stations. $40,000.

Potomac Riverkeeper Network: for community-led water quality sampling and pollution incident reporting, and expanded engagement of the Latine community. $40,000.

So What Else, inc: for a youth-led litter reduction and education program to include litter upcycling, field trips, and workshops. $40,000.

Community Engagement and Restoration

This program is designed to engage Maryland residents in activities that enhance communities, engage residents, and improve natural resources by funding small-scale activities such as tree plantings, rain gardens, and community cleanups, among others. For information about this grant program click here.

B&D Environmental Consulting LLC:  $14,400.

Catoctin Land Trust: for the outreach and engagement of residents to assess and determine restoration sites in the Monocacy, Catoctin, and Antietam watersheds. $5,000.

Coral Reef Encounter: for a coral reef educational experience. $4,850.

Fairhaven United Methodist Church: to plant 12 native trees to address excessive stormwater runoff on a historical faith-based organization’s grounds. $5,000.

Town of Middletown: for a plaque and educational materials to celebrate the Wye Oak tree. $2,000.

Yieldcamp, LTD: for a series of pop-up litter clean up events. $2,000.

District of Columbia Donation and Reuse: Zero Waste Act

This program is a partnership between the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment which seeks to increase diversion of reusable material, through programs, services, outreach, and education. The goals of this program are to provide funding to projects that reduce needless waste and increase diversion of reusable material, including edible food, from landfills and incineration through donation or reuse. For information about this award program, click here.

A Wider Circle: for a bulk furniture donation program that redistributes donated furniture from hotels and universities to in-need community members. $10,000.

Common Good City Farm: for workshops on food preservation and mending which serve low-income District residents. $10,000.

Dreaming Out Loud Inc.: for a food recovery and food waste education program. $7,550.

Filiblaster LLC dba ReDelicious: for a food rescue program and food preservation workshops. $10,000.

Friends of Anacostia Park: for a series of free reuse market events featuring items refurbished through a workforce development program. $10,000.

The George Washington University Office of Sustainability: for a reuse market to provide second-hand items at no cost to students in need. $8,000.

Washington Area Bicyclist Association: for a community bicycle program that provides workforce development opportunities for underserved communities. $6,980.

District of Columbia Urban Agriculture

The District of Columbia Urban Agriculture Small Grants Program is a partnership between the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment Office of Urban Agriculture and the Chesapeake Bay Trust. The goals of this program are to support increased operations of food production and distribution at urban farms and to advance strategies to support the success of agriculture businesses for socially disadvantaged farmers. For information about this grant program, click here.

A Heart 4 People Farm, LLC: for establishing an urban farm operation at the Theodore Hagans Cultural Center in Ward 5. $10,000.

Blossom Education Solutions Inc. (aka OurFarm DC): for a farmer training program to support the operations of a hydroponic container farm. $8,710.

Catholic University of America: for expanding the production capacity of the community garden. $7,564.

Common Good City Farm: for enhancing greenhouse infrastructure. $9,936.

Dreaming Out Loud Inc.: for the growth and development of The Farm at Kelly Miller and The Farm at Fort Stanton in Ward 7 and 8. $10,000.

The Nicholson Project: for restoration of garden beds and remediation of overgrowth to increase crop production in Ward 7. $8,000.

Three Part Harmony Farm: for replacing the current irrigation system and increasing rainwater catchment. $5,608.

Union Temple Baptist Church: for upgrading and replacing current infrastructure at Nsilo Oure Urban Farm. $10,000.

Environmental Education

The Environmental Education Grant Program funds initiatives and programs that advance environmental literacy and result in students gaining the knowledge, skills, and appreciation for nature to take responsible actions to protect and restore their local environment. For information about this grant program, click here.

Accokeek Foundation: for implementation of a 7th grade Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience in Prince George’s and Charles County Public Schools with a focus on incorporating culturally relevant teaching and indigenous knowledge. $40,000.

Adkins Arboretum: for implementation of a systemic Meaningful Watershed Experience (MWEE) for all seventh graders in Caroline County Public Schools (CCPS). $90,899.

Howard County Conservancy, Inc.: for implementation of the Climate STEPS (sustainability through empowered and proactive solutions) program for all Howard County Public School System 9th grade and GT Earth Science students. $119,559.

ShoreRivers: for support of Green School and Green Center implementation in Dorchester County Public Schools. $39,542.

Prince George’s County Stormwater Stewardship

This program funds on-the-ground restoration activities that improve neighborhoods, improve water quality, and engage Prince George’s County residents in the restoration and protection of the local rivers and streams of Prince George’s County. For information about this grant program, click here.

Alice Ferguson Foundation: to continue engaging with businesses and community organizations in the Fort Washington and Accokeek communities in litter reduction efforts. $45,000.

Anacostia Riverkeeper: for an illegal dumping data analysis for Prince George’s County. $49,717.

Capitol Technology University: for the design and installation of two bioretention areas. $115,800.

Carole Highland Neighborhood Association: for outreach and engagement for community members on environmental topics such as litter reduction. $28,200.

City of Greenbelt Department of Public Works: for a pilot study of soil condition mitigation efforts addressing the onset of the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa. $297,600.

City of Mount Rainier: for the installation of pet waste stations. $10,000.

EcoLatinos, Inc.: for educating and engaging Spanish-speaking congregation members on sustainable practices and the installation of conservation landscaping at St. Mark’s Catholic Church in Hyattsville, Maryland. $59,413.

Global Health and Education Projects, Inc.: for the outreach, education and maintenance of tree canopy throughout Prince George’s County, Maryland. $35,900.

National Wildlife Federation: for the installation of native plant gardens at four congregations and the engagement of congregation members on stormwater topics. $60,000.

Nature Forward: for educating and engaging residents on climate change, green infrastructure, and nature-based solutions. $59,161.

Neighborhood Design Center: for the design and installation of pavement removal and replacement with native plantings and a bioretention area at the Frenchman’s Creek community. $143,579.

St. Ann’s Center for Children, Youth and Families: for pavement removal and replacement with grass and native plants. $65,687.

Town of Berwyn Heights: for the assessment of tree canopy on private properties and the engagement with residential communities. $69,943.

Town of Brentwood: for the replacement of pavement with permeable pavement and the installation of tree trenches at the Windom Road Historic Barrier Park. $62,560.

Town of Edmonston: for the installation of eight rain gardens on 47th Avenue and five rain gardens on 49th Avenue. $146,580.

Town of Riverdale Park: for the design and installation of rain gardens and a rain water harvesting system. $139,540.

Vista Estates West Homeowners Association (VEWHOA): for the removal of invasive vines and community outreach and education on the benefits of trees. $81,287.

Sponsorship (Programmatic)

This program aims to support events that will increase awareness or knowledge on issues pertaining to restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay region natural resources and/or promote the Trust’s major sources of revenue. For information about this program click here.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC): to support the first Faith and Waters Restoration summit. $500.

Nature Forward: for support of the fifth annual Naturally Latinos conference. $1,000.

ShoreRivers: to support an annual youth environmental action summit. $500.

Urban Trees

The goal of the Urban Tree Grant Program is to green communities; enhance quality of life, human health, and community livability by improving air quality and reducing urban heat island effect; and mitigate some of the effects of climate change in urban, underserved communities. For information about this grant program, click here.

Temple X Schools LLC: For outreach to urban underserved communities who are eligible to apply for the Urban Trees grant program for FY25 $14,850.

Watershed Assistance

This program supports watershed restoration project design assistance, watershed planning, and programmatic development associated with protection and restoration programs and projects that lead to improved water quality in the Maryland region. For information about this grant program click here.

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay: for a site analysis, engineered designs and all required County-level permits for two rain gardens at St. Nicholas Lutheran Church in Huntingtown, MD. $49,331.

Ames United Methodist Church: for the design of various green infrastructure solutions aimed at managing stormwater flow at Ames United Methodist Church (UMC). $100,000.

Arundel Rivers Federation: for stream restoration within Annapolis Waterworks Park located in the South River watershed of Anne Arundel County, Maryland. $125,000.

Baltimore Municipal Golf Corporation: for a Master Plan and preliminary designs to finalize the construction documents, previously designed, for a combination of stream restoration practices and stormwater management ponds at the Forest Park Municipal Golf Course in Baltimore City. $141,950.

Baltimore Oliver Community Association: for a community-wide greening plan that will be developed in conjunction with Baltimore Oliver Community Association’s upcoming strategic plan. $30,350.

Bowie State University Foundation: for transforming an existing dry pond on Bowie State University (BSU)’s campus into a wet pond. $102,497.

Canaan Valley Institute: for costs associated with stream restoration survey, design, and permitting of degraded stream banks on the Elk Branch and Opequon Creek in Berkeley County, West Virginia. $150,000.

Greater Baybrook Alliance: for addressing erosion issues, treat stormwater runoff, and remove impervious surface in the community’s largest and most well trafficked park. $56,344.

GreenTrust Alliance Inc.: for tasks associated with outreach, assessment, survey, design, and permitting to implement headwater channel restoration and multiple upland BMP practices to capture and treat a large coastal area’s stormwater and agricultural runoff to Fisherman Creek i $103,863.

Montgomery County, Maryland: for the design of a bioretention cell, conservation landscape, and pavement removal at Saint Stephen Lutheran Church in White Oak, MD; and the design of a bioretention cell at Temple Emanuel in Kensington, MD. $100,000.

Resilience Authority of Charles County, Maryland, Inc.: for green infrastructure to address stormwater and flooding in the East Waldorf Neighborhood. $85,099.

Resilience Authority of Charles County, Maryland, Inc.: for a design addressing the climate impacts of increasing precipitation and temperatures by removing and replacing unused impervious surface with conservation landscaping designed as a pocket park with a natural play area and a separate seating and picnic $83,801.

Severn River Association, Inc.: for design/permit of two micro-bioretention facilities (M-6) as stormwater best management practice (BMP) retrofits to treat impervious area runoff. $47,299.

ShoreRivers: for the design of a living shoreline restoration that re-creates a vegetated headland to attenuate wave energy, reduce erosion, and support sand accretion. $99,978.

ShoreRivers: for designs restoring the historic coastal plain headwater wetland/stream complex through reconnection of hydrology of floodplain wetlands, groundwater, and the stream channel and hyporheic zone. $149,997.

ShoreRivers: for designs in the restoration of coastal plain headwater stream on the mainstem Sassafras. $122,185.

Sleepy Creek Watershed Association: for the assessment and design a streambank restoration project on the main stem of Sleepy Creek in Morgan County, WV. $65,000.

Town of Romney: for the design of storm water inlet upgrades, BMP integration, permeable paver sidewalks, and tree “bump-outs”. $90,040.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: for tidal wetland strategic plan support. $9,000.

Veterans Engagement

The Veteran’s Engagement Mini Grant Program is designed to support veteran’s groups and organizations engaging veteran’s groups as they provide healing and therapeutic services, outdoor recreation, community engagement, and green jobs training. For information about this program, click here.

American Legion Post 217: for children to engage in immersive gardening experiences such as field trips and a sensory garden. $2,580.


September 2023

Chesapeake Bay Program Goal Implementation Team Project Support Funding Program

This program is a partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Chesapeake Bay Trust which is designed to invite entities experienced in various aspects of fisheries, watershed science and policy, watershed stewardship, outreach and training, climate resilience, submerged aquatic vegetation (sav), and other watershed issues to submit proposals to advance specific outcomes of the 2014 Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement. For more information about this grant program click here.

Center for Innovation, Research and Transformation in Education: for completion of Scope #8: Career and Workforce Programming Landscape Assessment. $74,995.

Chesapeake Conservancy: for completion of Scope #5: Mapping Non-Tidal Vegetated Wetlands in Areas with Outdated Wetland Maps. $89,568.

Chesapeake Conservancy: for completion of Scope #3: Optimizing Riparian Forest Buffer Implementation for Climate Adaptation and Resilience. $62,158.

Chesapeake Environmental Communications: for completion of Scope #12: Community Response to Land Use Changes. $89,974.

Clean Streams LLC: for scope of work #1: Understanding and Addressing the Impacts of Wetland Mowing to Facilitate Meeting the Chesapeake Bay Wetland Enhancement Goals. $74,950.

Local Concepts LLC: for completion of Scope #9: Stewardship Network Study and Asset Mapping. $65,000.

Notre Dame of Maryland University: for completion of Scope #7: Determining Evidence-Based Criteria to Highlight How Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) are Advancing K-12 Student Outcomes. $66,113.

OpinionWorks LLC: for completion of Scope #11: Advancing Social Marketing Through Two Pilot Programs. $75,000.

Stroud Water Research Center, Inc.: for completion of Scope #10: Literature Review- Building Climate Resilience in Stream Restoration Practices. $54,944.

terraPulse, Inc.: for completion of Scope #6: Monitoring Vegetation Condition Throughout the Delmarva Peninsula. $79,996.

Tetra Tech, Inc.: for completion of Scope #2: Protecting Chesapeake Bay Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV) Given Changing Hydrologic Conditions- Priority SAV Area Identification and Solutions Development. $84,874.

Chesapeake Conservation Corps Projects

These grants support Chesapeake Conservation Corps Members and can be used to fund a wide range of activities, and are meant to: support the Capstone Project or other project in the work plan that is managed by the Corps Member, and provide the Corps Member with grant-writing experience. For information about this grant program, click here.

C.A. Lester and Associates: for Corps DEIJ Training. $8,000.

Imaginal Cells Collective LLC: to design and facilitate a strengths-based leadership training for 50-55 CCCC members on December 18th-20th, 2023 at the National Conservation Training Center. $19,710.

Postsecondary Strategy Solutions: to provide members of the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps with six hours of financial literacy coaching. $5,055.

River Network: for the Corps Professional Development Training Series. $7,300.

Community Engagement and Restoration Mini Grant Program

This program is designed to engage Maryland residents in activities that enhance communities, engage residents, and improve natural resources by funding small-scale activities such as tree plantings, rain gardens, and community cleanups, among others. For information about this grant program click here.

Ashland Community Development Corporation: to aid in the installation of a hydroponic system to increase the growing capacity of a community garden in East Baltimore. $1,459.

Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore: for the installation of a native plant garden. $2,600.

Bolton Street Synagogue: to install native plants to reduce stormwater runoff and provide habitat. $5,000.

Captains Houses Owners Association: to install conservation landscape beds and educational signage. $3,740.

Elevation Ministries, Inc.:  $11,000.

Greater Mount Holly Community Development Corporation (GMHCDC): to install a native plant and garden and use this to engage youth in the surrounding community. $4,996.

Homewood Friends Meeting: to install two column cisterns, to install a solid rain-water container, and to host educational workshops on rain barrels and native plant gardens. $5,000.

Islamic Community Center of Potomac: for the creation of a 300 square feet native plant community garden. $5,000.

Patuxent Triangle HOA: to plant fifteen native trees and shrubs. $5,000.

Preservation Trust of Wicomico, Inc: to further develop Hattie’s Trail by installing native plants and adding edging to existing trail-side gardens. $4,105.

Sisterhood Agenda Inc: for a pollinator garden, rain barrel installations, and community education on sustainable food systems. $4,210.

Town of Keedysville: to implement a rain barrel and compost bin effort that will encourage green practices throughout the Town of Keedysville. $4,982.

Other Internal Contract

Qualia Pictures: for the development and production of three additional videos for DC DOEE focusing on the Anacostia. $20,000.

Outdoor Learning Network Initiative

The Outdoor Learning Network Initiative is a partnership between the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Chesapeake Bay Trust working closely with the Chesapeake Bay Program Education Workgroup. The goal of this initiative is to advance environmental literacy at the district level by establishing local networks comprised of school districts and organizations who are committed to partnering and working collectively to embed environmental education into the school system long-term. For information about this award program, click here.

A Wider Circle: for the redistribution of furniture items that would otherwise go into the waste stream. $8,500.

Common Good City Farm: for preservation and fix-it workshops for D.C. residents. $10,000.

Community Forklift: for an outreach campaign focused on building material waste reduction. $10,000.

Frontline Gig, Inc: for an assessment estimating material reuse and estimating reuse diversion potential. $7,000.

ShopReuse LLC: for the reduction of construction materials in landfills and redistribution of supplies to BIPOC. $9,892.

The Fresh Food FactoryMarket: for the adoption of sustainability practices that will decrease the organization’s contributions to the waste stream. $10,000.

The Salvation Army National Capital Area Command: for increased capacity to store donated food. $2,500.

Three Part Harmony Farm: for the increased capacity of a Ward 5 off the grid farm. $6,371.

Urban Trees

The Urban Trees Grant Program, called for by the Maryland General Assembly as a component of a 5,000,000-tree goal by 2031, supports tree planting projects in urban, underserved communities. The goal of the Urban Tree Grant Program is to green communities; enhance quality of life, human health, and community livability by improving air quality and reducing urban heat island effect; and mitigate some of the effects of climate change. For information about this program, click here.

Baltimore Tree Trust: to plant 3,000 trees throughout Baltimore City by the end of Spring 2024. $243,336.

Broadway East Community Development Corporation: to plant trees in six neighborhoods (Broadway East, Fort Washington, Darley Park, East Baltimore-Midway, Oliver and South Clifton Park). $70,400.

Druid Heights Community Development Corporation: to plant trees in the community. $11,450.

Midtown Community Benefits District: to plant trees in the Mount Vernon-Belvedere and Charles North Neighborhoods of Baltimore City. $8,500.

Midtown Community Benefits District: to plant 350+ street trees within the Baltimore city neighborhoods of Madison Park, Mount Vernon-Belvedere, Charles North, and Bolton Hill from Spring 2024 to Fall 2025. $70,400.

The 6th Branch: to plant 300 new trees in and around the greenspaces of four East Baltimore neighborhoods in 2023-24. $9,610.

The New Greenmount West Community Association, Inc.: to plant 75 new street trees in Baltimore’s Greenmount West Neighborhood. $685.

Upton Planning Committee: to plant trees in the Upton community. $2,525.

Urban Trees Mini Grant Program

Many communities benefit from having green spaces and trees to promote outdoor recreation, access to shaded areas, improved air quality, improved mental and physical health, and livability. Ultimately, this initiative will empower communities that have felt disenfranchised to take ownership with the tools needed to improve access to natural resources that connect their neighborhoods to a healthy, greener environment for current and future generations. For information about this program, click here.

Chartley Homeowners Association, Inc.: to plant 15 native trees in the Chartley neighborhood in Reisterstown, MD. $5,000.

Filbert Street Garden: to plant 20 native trees for Filbert Street Gardens in Baltimore, MD. $2,561.

First Baptist Church of Highland Park: to plant 15 native trees at the First Baptist Church of Highland Park, MD. $4,725.

Patapsco Heritage Greenway, Inc.: to plant 15 native trees in Patapsco Valley State Park. $4,984.

Shady Grove Village HOA: to plant 12 native trees for the Shady Grove Village neighborhood in Gaithersburg, MD. $5,000.

Veterans Engagement Mini Grant Program

The Veteran’s Engagement Mini Grant Program is designed to support veteran’s groups and organizations engaging veteran’s groups as they provide healing and therapeutic services, outdoor recreation, community engagement, and green jobs training. For information about this program, click here.

Live Water Foundation: for an adaptive paddling program for 80 physically and mentally disabled Veterans and their families. $2,200.

Nature Forward: To provide Nature walk experiences for veterans and their families as a form of healing. $5,000.

Youth Environmental Education

This program is designed to increase student awareness and involvement in the restoration and protection of our region’s natural resources by increasing access to programs that provide Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs). For information about this grant program click here.

Belvedere Elementary School: for a MWEE investigation for 129 fifth graders focused on the health of their local watershed and the Chesapeake Bay. $4,890.

Bishop McNamara High School: for construction of an outdoor classroom. $5,434.

Blue Sky Fund: for MWEE investigations for 2,000 elementary school students from Richmond Public Schools. $5,000.

Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore: for construction of an outdoor classroom for preschool and elementary students. $5,000.

Catonsville Elementary School: for a field experience on the Patapsco River focused on the health of the local ecosystem. $2,411.

Conservation Nation: for a year-long afterschool environmental science club at The Washington School for Girls in Washington, D.C.’s Ward 8. $10,000.

Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center: for MWEE investigations for 150 high school students in Leonardtown, Maryland. $4,999.

Henrico Education Foundation: for MWEE investigations for middle school students and their teachers from Henrico County Public Schools. $5,000.

James River Association: for MWEE field trips for Hampton City School 8th graders. $4,168.

Live It Learn It: for MWEE investigations for 100 third grade students from Title I schools in the District of Columbia. $5,000.

Massanutten Regional Governor’s School for Environmental Science and Technology: for a construction of an outdoor classroom at Mountain View High School. $9,975.

Payne Elementary School PTSA: for 320 elementary school students to participate in MWEE field trips and investigations. $5,000.

Petersburg City Public Schools: for a systemic MWEE investigation for 318 fifth graders from all four Petersburg’s elementary schools. $5,000.

Ramalingam International Mission: for construction of a community garden for community youth in Fort Washington, MD. $6,000.

Rivanna Conservation Alliance: for a comprehensive MWEE project for all 180 sixth grade students at Jackson P. Burley Middle School. $4,245.

So What Else, inc: for construction of a community garden in the Carrollton Ridge neighborhood in Baltimore, MD. $10,000.

Summit School, Anne Arundel County: for a MWEE investigation on the Chester River for 27 middle school students. $1,844.

Swan Creek School: for 70 students to participate in a MWEE investigation focused on the impacts of litter and pollution to the health of their local watershed. $5,000.

Towson University: for MWEE investigations for high school students in South Baltimore. $10,000.

Upcycled Inc.: for the development and implementation of an educational program focused on recycling for high school students in Howard County. $5,000.

Virginia Living Museum: for a two-day professional development training for Museum environmental educators focused on the MWEE framework. $5,000.

Wicomico Day School: for restoration of an outdoor classroom and native wildlife habitat. $7,500.

November 2023

Anne Arundel County Community Tree Planting

This program provides small community-based grants to help communities and organizations increase the number trees and tree canopy in neighborhoods, parks, and communities. For information about this grant program, click here.

East Pendennis Mount Community Association, Inc.: for tree planting and educational signage at the park within the East Pendennis Mount community in Annapolis, Maryland. $5,000.

Park Retreat Home Owners Association: for invasive species removal and native tree planting in the Park Retreat community in Millersville, MD. The award amount was increased by $200 to include the installation of educational signage at the project site. $1,327.

Rev Samuel Green Sr Foundation: for removal of invasive species from large and small trees and shrubs at Annapolis Gardens in Annapolis, MD. The award amount was increased by $2,500 to include the removal of invasive species from small trees and shrubs as proposed in proposal 22637, whose scope of work was incorporated into this award. $5,000.

Charles County Forestry

This program aims to implement cost-effective reforestation projects in the County to increase tree canopy and as a result create forest habitat and improve water quality in the county’s local watersheds and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay. For information about this grant program, click here. 

Resilience Authority of Charles County, Maryland, Inc.: establishment of urban native tree canopy on the school grounds of underserved communities in Charles County and green job training for youth to ensure climate resilience in the face of Climate Change. $14,839.

Chesapeake Conservation Corps Projects

These grants support Chesapeake Conservation Corps Members and can be used to fund a wide range of activities, and are meant to: support the Capstone Project or other project in the work plan that is managed by the Corps Member, and provide the Corps Member with grant-writing experience. For information about this grant program, click here.

Marnie Oakes Kenefick: to provide individual and small group support and career coaching for the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps. $7,500.

Chesapeake Oyster Innovation

The Chesapeake Oyster Innovation Award Program is a partnership between the Chesapeake Oyster Alliance and the Chesapeake Bay Trust that funds projects that meet any of the following three goals: increase knowledge about oyster fisheries or oyster aquaculture, advance in small-scale technologies for either increasing oyster population or oyster aquaculture, and increase in oyster fishery or aquaculture measurement/monitoring techniques or activities. For information about this grant program click here.

Annapolis Maritime Museum & Park: for the participation of three new middle schools in a year-long Oyster Education Program. $10,000.

Arundel Rivers Federation: for student-led design, development, and use of a submersible robot for oyster monitoring. $9,999.

Baywater Seafood, LLC: for the development of a self-contained oyster broodstock conditioning system. $10,000.

Black In Marine Science: for the development of oyster and aquaculture-related videos to engage underrepresented audiences. $10,000.

Blue Oyster Environmental: for testing the efficacy of a clay-based substrate for oyster restoration and aquaculture. $10,000.

Coastal Conservation Association Maryland: for the development of educational videos about artificial reefs and oysters in English and Spanish. $9,981.

Eastport Yacht Club: for development of video and photo documentation of an oyster-seeded wave wall for educational and monitoring purposes. $4,000.

Minorities In Aquaculture: for paid internships and mentorship for historically underrepresented groups and women of color in aquaculture. $10,000.

Oyster Girl Oysters: for the development of an innovative technique to automatically flip oyster cages using a specially designed boat ramp. $6,400.

Oyster Seed Holdings: for oyster hatchery tours. $8,000.

Portsmouth Public Schools Oyster Project: for engaging Portsmouth Public School students in an oyster focused Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE). $9,996.

Severn River Association, Inc.: for testing the efficacy of direct setting of oyster larvae onto hard substrates for oyster restoration. $9,995.

ShoreRivers: for the development of oyster-related workshops and educational materials and experiential field trips for volunteers. $9,989.

St. Mary’s River Watershed Association: for quality assurance for low-cost remote water quality monitoring devices and public communication of the data. $10,000.

Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore, Inc.: for a youth-focused oyster gardening program, oyster monitoring, and water quality monitoring. $10,000.

Community Engagement and Restoration

This program is designed to engage Maryland residents in activities that enhance communities, engage residents, and improve natural resources by funding small-scale activities such as tree plantings, rain gardens, and community cleanups, among others. For information about this grant program click here.

Al Rahmah School at Islamic Society of Baltimore: for the installation of a native pollinator garden, educational presentations, and a nature walk. $5,000.

Baltimore City Department of Public Works: for the hosting of educational pop-ups and workshops that will cover a variety of environmental topics. $5,000.

Baltimore Star Project: for a community clean-up of Jones Falls Trail with educational workshops on various environmental topics. $4,951.

EcoSWIFT: to establish a tennis ball recycling program and hold educational workshops. $4,446.

IMAAM, Inc.: for a series of environmental education events centered on educating youth and their families about the environment, climate justice, the watershed, and native plants. $4,990.

Pennsylvania Avenue Neighborhood Association: for a series of educational workshops, stormwater drain stenciling, and other restoration activities. $5,000.

Southwest Partnership, Inc.: for interviews and engagement with local business owners and the installation of micro-gardens in tree pits. $5,000.

St. Jane Frances de Chantal Catholic Church: for the creation of a pollinator garden. $2,800.

Green Streets, Green Jobs, Green Towns

This program is designed to help communities develop and implement plans that reduce stormwater runoff, increase the number and amount of green spaces in urban areas, improve the health of local streams and the Chesapeake Bay, and enhance quality of life and community livability. For information about this grant program, click here.

Chesapeake Environmental Communications: to provide technical assistance to the George Washington Regional Commission to identify priority areas for green infrastructure. $20,000.

Designgreen LLC: to provide technical assistance to the Warm Springs Run Watershed Association to develop a comprehensive reforestation plan for the Warm Springs Run watershed in West Virginia. $20,000.

Karla Schweitzer Farrell & Associates, LLC: to provide technical assistance to Jonestown Borough to develop a conceptual plan that incorporates green infrastructure along Market Street and to transform a grass lot into a community park. $19,988.

Outreach and Restoration

This program encourages outreach and community engagement activities that increase stewardship ethic of natural resources and on-the-ground restoration activities that demonstrate restoration techniques and engage Maryland citizens in the restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay and its rivers. For information about this grant program click here.

Adkins Arboretum: for educating Homeowners Associations (HOAs) about landscaping best practices. $40,960.

Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay: for the construction of two bioretention areas with conservation landscaping and engaging church members and preschool students and their families in educational outreach events. $61,392.

Arundel Rivers Federation: for a new submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) turbulator, to restore 20 acres of native SAV, and to increase awareness of SAV benefits and best practices. $52,115.

Asbury Foundation: for conversion of 1.65 acres of lawn to native meadow along with community engagement and informational signage. $70,870.

Baltimore Green Space: for the removal of invasive species and introduction of new native plants on one acre of Springfield Woods and engaging community members in education and hands-on restoration. $124,986.

Baltimore Underground Science Space: for community science data collection and research centered on the biodiversity of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. $36,800.

Blue Water Baltimore: for educational and hands-on activities to engage East Baltimore communities in water quality and climate change issues. $50,000.

Clean Water Fund: for continuing education and demonstration of Natural Landscaping for Septic System Drainfields, and installing two additional gardens. $20,000.

Greater Grace World Outreach, Inc.: for Phase II of the Green Infrastructure Master Plan which includes a multi-cell bioretention and three rain gardens. $100,000.

Grow Home Inc: for a community greening track to be added to the Climate Crew workforce development program. $69,083.

Gunpowder Valley Conservancy: for restoration of riparian buffers and upland forests by planting 925 new trees and maintaining 1,100 previously planted trees, as well as recruiting private landowners to have trees planted on their properties. $66,416.

Harford Land Trust, Inc.: for developing a behavior change plan for the Grow Wild program to increase the number of landowners converting lawn to more natural spaces that benefit pollinators. $68,004.

Havre de Grace Green Team: for two pollinator beds near the shoreline and engagement activities for students and adults. $45,445.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC): for a pilot program to improve native plant habitats and rain gardens by reducing congregations’ use of salt and assisting with maintenance of their gardens. $15,034.

Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake (IPC): for holding the Faithful Green Leaders Training and recruit new green teams at congregations in Rockville as well as creating 6-8 new Action Kits. $21,154.

Izaak Walton League of America (The): for distribution of 500 Salt Watch test kits, collection of Salt Watch readings from residents, and trainings to businesses, City staff, and winter maintenance professionals. $32,643.

Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professionals Association (MOWPA): for the development of septic system demonstration displays and associated hands-on experiential learning. $40,000.

Montgomery County Public Schools: for a demonstration Resilience, Education, Action, Climate, and Habitat (REACH) living schoolyard which will manage stormwater runoff while providing an outdoor learning space. $94,153.

Mount Saint Joseph High School: for installation of three beehive boxes on Mount Sant Joseph’s campus to restore the bee population and provide learning opportunities for students. $10,937.

Nanticoke Watershed Alliance: for installing a raingarden, native pollinator meadow, trees, cistern and chemical free orchard and vegetable garden to reduce stormwater runoff pollution, as well as four workshops and events to engage the community in environmental stewardship. $107,233.

National Aquarium: for a community-based wetland restoration event where 50 volunteers will plant 59,375 native plants followed by educational events and demonstration for visitors to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor. $123,068.

National Wildlife Federation: for a cohort of Sacred Grounds congregations who will engage in reducing stormwater runoff and increasing wildlife habitat by changing how they manage their grounds and home yards. $75,000.

Patapsco Heritage Greenway, Inc.: for educational programs that use hands-on stewardship and restoration activities to increase knowledge of conductivity as it relates to water quality. $45,000.

Pearlstone Conference & Retreat Center: for a bioretention rain garden. $79,799.

ShoreRivers: for knowledge and capacity for Best Management Practice (BMP) maintenance among landowners who have BMPs on their properties. $42,779.

Southern Maryland Resource Conservation & Development, (Inc.): for developing a network of watershed groups and local partners in Southern Maryland to expand capacity and facilitate collaboration, information sharing and implementation of water quality projects. $34,004.

Southern Maryland Resource Conservation & Development, (Inc.): for developing a conservation toolkit for landowners with information on land conservation and restoration programs, along with workshops. $9,587.

The 6th Branch: for educational workshops with a focus on sustainable and ecological living for community members. $50,000.

The Community Ecology Institute: for installation of accessible stormwater and woodland restoration activities completed with the active engagement of community members who will learn transferable knowledge and skills about residential-scale restoration best practices $93,041.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Prince of Peace: for installation of cisterns, rain gardens, pollinator gardens, trees, and bioswale. $114,478.

University of Maryland: for phase 5.0 of the SM Residential Action Framework, which will establish three new HOA Green Teams, and support previous Green Teams in designing pollinator gardens. $30,955.

University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science: for climate resiliency assessments in two coastal communities, and a program to train climate resiliency advocates from the community to participate in climate resiliency planning. $49,435.

University of Maryland College Park: for phase three of the Increasing Capacity to Maintain Residential Stormwater BMPs project in Charles County. $43,816.

Sponsorship (Programmatic)

This program aims to support events that will increase awareness or knowledge on issues pertaining to restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay region natural resources and/or promote the Trust’s major sources of revenue. For information about this program click here.

Maryland Association of Floodplain and Stormwater Managers: for an annual conference that brings professionals together on stormwater management $500.

Sultana Education Foundation: for an educational native animal exhibit at the annual Sultana Downrigging Festival. $500.

Urban Trees Mini Grant

Many communities benefit from having green spaces and trees to promote outdoor recreation, access to shaded areas, improved air quality, improved mental and physical health, and livability. Ultimately, this initiative will empower communities that have felt disenfranchised to take ownership with the tools needed to improve access to natural resources that connect their neighborhoods to a healthy, greener environment for current and future generations. For information about this program, click here.

City of Bowie: to plant 6 native trees in the City of Bowie. $1,200.

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