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Clean Water Montgomery Grant Program

The Montgomery County Government and the Chesapeake Bay Trust announce a grant program to support watershed restoration and outreach projects throughout Montgomery County. This program aims to promote initiatives and projects which will improve water quality in Montgomery County’s local streams and waterways through public engagement, education, and on-the-ground restoration.

What this funds: The Clean Water Montgomery Grant Program funds public outreach and stewardship projects, community-based restoration water quality implementation projects, tree planting and reforestation projects, and litter reduction projects in the Anacostia River Watershed. Projects should educate and engage residents in watershed improvement while achieving measurable impacts and sustainable behavior change. Creative and innovative proposals are encouraged. Together, these efforts will restore and protect the local rivers and streams of Montgomery County.

Who can apply: Non-profit organizations with 501(c)(3) status, such as local watershed groups, faith-based organizations, service and civic groups, and more. If your organization does not have a current 501(c)3 status, a fiscal sponsor may be able to apply and secure funds on your behalf and we encourage you to reach out to the Trust for further information.

How much can be awarded: Requests will generally not exceed $40,000 for knowledge change, $60,000 for behavior change efforts, and $40,000 for water quality monitoring efforts as part of the Public Outreach and Stewardship (Type 1) projects, $25,000 for community greening efforts and $100,000 for larger scale restoration efforts as part of the Community Based Restoration Implementation (Type 2) projects, $100,000 for Tree, Stewardship, Planting, and Reforestation projects (Type 3) projects, and $50,000 for Litter Reduction Projects in the Anacostia River Watershed (Type 4) projects.

Implementation project location: Montgomery County, Maryland outside the municipalities of Rockville, Gaithersburg, and Takoma Park.

Is match required? Match is encouraged but is not required other than for permeable paver installation. For permeable paver installation projects, the budget should include a 20% match from the property owner or entity receiving the permeable paver installation, which may or may not be the applicant organization. Preference will be given to projects with match and/or in-kind services.

Additional term and condition, if awarded: In cases where the awardee fails to submit a status report or final report by the due date, the Trust reserves the right to terminate the award agreement and require a refund of funds already transferred to the awardee. When the project is complete, awardees are required to complete final reports that include submission of all receipts for supplies, invoices for subcontractors/contractors, and copies of timesheets for personnel time used (timesheets must include date, name, time worked per day, and coding to tie the time worked to the award). All financial back-up documentation will be grouped and numbered to correspond to the budget line item reported as spent. Organizations with outstanding final, progress, or status reports will not be awarded additional grants. When the project is complete, awardees are required to submit all final products and final reports, including submission of all receipts, copies of timesheets, and contractor invoices.

Program Status: CLOSED

Deadline was November 14, 2024 at 4PM EDT

Click Here to View the previous Request for Proposals (RFP)

Watch the recording of our informational webinar:

Awarded Projects

Since 2014, 123 projects have been awarded for a total of $5.5 million in approved awards.

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Learn more about previously awarded projects on our interactive map!

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Kathy Somoza
410-974-2941 x120

September 13, 2023 Information Session

This session was held during the application stage, to orient potential applicants to the grant program and discuss potential project ideas.

April 18, 2024 Post-Application Workshop

This session was held to familiarize awardees with the grant program, Montgomery County initiatives, and to discuss grant management best practices.

In 2019, Butler Montessori received an award to replace 3,000 square feet of asphalt in our driveway with permeable pavers. These pavers allow for rainwater to be absorbed into the ground instead of running off. This reduces erosion of the land and pollution that enters our rivers. In addition, we installed a student-created sign to educate our students and visitors about the water cycle and the important role the pavers play in reducing erosion and pollution. We hope to teach and inspire other schools, businesses, and residents to reduce their asphalt footprint and help the environment.

Scott ChidakelBusiness Manager, Butler Montessori

In 2016, LDS Earth Stewardship received an award to implement stormwater management practices and engage with the community. We have successfully designed, installed, and maintained conservation landscaping while educating the public on sustainable gardening practices and storm water management at historic Pleasant View over a two-year period. More than 330 volunteers have participated, many being entirely new to planting. All volunteers learned something about the benefits of native plants and conservation landscaping as well as basic techniques for gardening.

Merikay SmithBoard Member, LDS Earth Stewardship

In 2016, Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah received an award to install an “Interfaith Greenway” and promote an understanding of environmental stewardship. The Interfaith Greenway was designed to address issues of stormwater which existed on the properties of St. James Episcopal Church and Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah. Built along the shared property line of the two faith communities, the Greenway not only addresses stormwater and drainage concerns, but also provides educational and outreach opportunities for the pre-schools and memberships of both organizations.

David FelsenBoard Member, Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah

In 2016, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments received an award to remove over 1,470 square feet of an asphalt basketball court located next to a stream and replant the area with native trees and shrubs. This project engaged the community at several points, including getting community input on the plantings and involving the community during planting days and future maintenance plans.

Phong TrieuSenior Planner, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
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