City of Rockville Flood Mitigation Assistance Program - Chesapeake Bay Trust Skip to main content

City of Rockville Flood Mitigation Assistance Program


The Chesapeake Bay Trust is proud to partner with the City of Rockville on its Flood Mitigation Assistance Program. The City of Rockville Flood Mitigation Assistance Program offers financial assistance through matching reimbursement funds to residents who have made improvements to their properties to mitigate future damage from flooding events.

What this funds: This program funds practices that help seal and protect an individual residence from floodwaters.

  • Eligible practices include those that protect windows, doors, utilities, and basements, and a home’s exterior. General protective equipment and equipment use to stop floodwater’s is also eligible. More details can found below. All approved practices must have been installed after July 1, 2019, and must be installed before applying to the program.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants include residential, nonprofits, and commercial properties, as well as Condominium and Homeowner’s Associations applying on behalf of more than property.

Maximum rebate amounts: The total maximum rebate allowed per applicant is $5,000 dollars. This program will provide up to 50% match reimbursements for the approved flood mitigation practices. Please note, applicants will be expected to cover the remaining costs of the installed practice.

Contact Information

Delaney Samons
410-974-2941 x131

Megan Andreasen
410-974-2941 x131

Program Status: OPEN

Interested applicants should review the Program Guidance and Application Instructions document prior to submitting an application.

Funds are available on a first come, first served basis, and demand for the program this fiscal year has been high.

Deadline: Rolling. Applications are accepted on an on-going basis.

Online Application

Applications are processed within two weeks of submission and the applicant will receive an email with next steps. All projects must be installed prior to applying.

Get Started with a New Application
Continue a Saved Application

Paper Application

Download the paper application form here or contact us to get a copy mailed to you. Complete the paper application form and the appropriate property owner agreement form and mail to the address indicated on the form.

Download a Paper Application

View the Trust’s Application Accessibility Statement

Click Here to View the Trust's Application Accessibility Statement

Property Owner Agreement From

Please complete the Property Owner Agreement form. Read through the Terms and Conditions, sign the form, and upload and submit it with your online application.

Property Owner Agreement
Click Here to View the Detailed List of the City of Rockville Flood Mitigation Assistance Program Approved Practices


Eligible practices to protect and seal windows during flooding events include:

  • Permanent glass protection materials
  • Floodproof windows
  • Basement window protection
  • Custom ground floor or basement window wells


Eligible practices to protect and seal doorways during flooding events include:

  • Temporary doorway or floodgate panel
  • Permanent doorway or floodgate panel


Eligible practices to protect and seal basements during flooding events include:

  • Install/connect sump pump and sump pump back-up systems
  • Install drain tiles below basement floors
  • Install flood vents
  • Disconnect or plug internal floor drains


Eligible practices to protect and seal utilities during flood events include:

  • Utility flood covers
  • Install interior concrete or masonry walls
  • Elevate electrical outlets, switches, sockets, and circuit-breakers
  • Install flanged/Quick connect systems
  • Elevate utilities and service equipment

Home Exterior

Eligible practices to protect and seal the exterior of a home during flooding events include:

  • Constructing a protective flood wall
  • Surface grading
  • Constructing an earth berm
  • Install impermeable (water resistance) materials around foundations
  • Install a French drain system around a basement

General Protective and Flood-Stoppage Equipment

Eligible general protective and flood-stoppage equipment include:

  • Flood alert systems
  • Portable submersible water pumps and hoses
  • Flood-resistant building materials
  • Interior concrete sealers and waterproof paints
  • Flood socks
  • Quick Dams
  • Sandless sandbags


What is the process in order to receiving a reimbursement?

  1. Install flood mitigation practice
  2. Submit online application with invoices, receipts, and photos
  3. Notification of approval
  4. Check is sent to homeowner in approximately 4 – 6 weeks

How long does the application take to complete?

It usually takes 5 – 10 minutes to complete.

I just submitted my application, what happens next?

Applications can take 2-3 weeks to be reviewed and processed. The Flood Mitigation Assistance Team will get in touch with you via email on the next steps after the application is processed. Note: Applications are reviewed on an on-going, first come-first served basis.


I am not the property owner, can I still apply?
You specifically cannot apply but your landlord/the property owner can apply on your behalf. The property owner MUST be the applicant.


How do I know if I need a permit for my project? 

Your project may require a permit. Please review the Approved List of Practices under the Eligible Practices Tab. Contact information for permitting questions is located under the Contact Information for Permitting, Approvals, and Reviews Tab.


As a property owner, how much am I eligible for?

Up to 50% of the total costs for approved measures, up to a maximum amount of $5,000.

How long will it take for the check to arrive?

After your application is finalized, the Flood Mitigation Assistance Team will review and upon approval you will receive the check in approximately 4 – 6 weeks.

Where does the money come from?

The Flood Mitigation Assistance Program is supported through the Stormwater Management Utility Fee that the City of Rockville residents pay on their property tax bill. The fee is in part made up of a flat rate and in part the percentage of impervious cover that exists on your property. The funds go back into the community for beautiful and stormwater treatment purposes.

Historic District Commission (HDC)

  • HDC is responsible for review and approval of projects that involve modifications/improvements to Historic designated buildings or structures located in the Historic District. A Certificate of Approval must be obtained from the HDC for any such project.
  • Phone number: (240)314-8236
  • If the proposed work will be permanent and visible from the public right-of-way to a Historic designated building, or a structure located in the Historic District, you may need a HDC review.

Inspection Services Division (ISD)

  • ISD is responsible for the issuance of building and/or mechanical, electrical and plumbing permits that be required.
  • Phone number: (240)314-8240
  • If the proposed work alters, demos, renovates, and/or creates a permanent addition to an existing building or structure, you may need an ISD review.

Department of Public Works (DPW)

  • DPW is responsible for the issuance for a Sediment Control Permit (SCP) for any grading project that involves the disturbance of more than 5,000 square feet (or 100 cubic yards) of land and Public Works Permits (PWK) for projects that involve any disturbance within the public right-of-way.
  • Phone number: (240)314-8500
  • If the proposed work involves grading or land disturbance of more than 5,000 square feet (or 100 cubic yards) or the disturbance is within the public right-of-way, you may need a DPW review.

Community Planning & Development Services (CPDS)

  • CPDS is responsible for administering procedures, standards and requirements that protect trees and forests during and after development activity and minimize tree loss due to development. For any grading or land disturbing activities, contact CPDS as follows.
    • Single family homes, contact CPDS (forestry inspector) if you have Forest Conservation Easements on the property
    • Commercial, mixed use, and HOA properties, contact CPDS (forestry inspector) if the limits of disturbance for your project is within a critical root zone of any significant tree (6″ diameter or greater at 4.5′ off the ground). If you are unsure, please contact CPDS (forestry inspector) for clarification.
    • Homes in Historical Preservation Districts contact CPDS (forestry inspector)
  • Phone number: (240)314-8233
  • If the proposed work involves grading or a land disturbance on a property that has a Forest Conservation Easement or may potentially impact a tree, you may need a CPDS review.

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