Donate Online
Make a tax-deductible gift online at www.cbtrust.org/make-a-gift.
Have you thought about setting up a reoccurring Monthly Gift?

Mail Your Gift
Please make your check payable to the Chesapeake Bay Trust and mail your contribution to:
Chesapeake Bay Trust
108 Severn Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21403

Monthly Giving
Monthly giving, at any level, is an easy and efficient way to provide consistent, impactful funding. You can start, change, or stop your gift at any time.

Give at Tax Time
Make a tax-deductible donation when filing your taxes! Look for the Chesapeake Bay and Endangered Species Fund on your Maryland State Income Tax Form (Line 35) and fill in your donation amount.
Yes, you can find it on TurboTax too!

Anglers, Boaters, and Hunters, You can Give Back
Anglers, boaters, and hunters who obtain registration or licenses through Maryland Department of Natural Resources COMPASS online registration system can make a contribution to support fish and wildlife habitat, clean water, wetlands, and K-12 student field trips.

Workplace Giving
Ask your human resources department for if your workplace participates in the Maryland Charity Campaign through America’s Charities or the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
Our charity number is 98313.

Corporate Matching Gifts
Many companies have a matching gift program to support employee giving. Ask your human resources department for a matching gift form to include with your contribution.
Please make your check payable to the Chesapeake Bay Trust and mail your contribution with matching gift form to:
Chesapeake Bay Trust
108 Severn Ave.
Annapolis, MD 21403

Gift of Stock
Donations of appreciated stocks, bonds, and mutual funds may have additional tax advantages. Transfers can be made directly from your brokerage account to the Trust. Please contact the Development Office for instructions.
Phone: 410-974-2941 x107

Memorial and Tribute Programs
Remember family and friends’ special occasions in a unique way. Consider this type of gift to honor the memory of a loved one, commemorate a milestone, birthday, wedding, or anniversary.
Please contact the Development Office to make arrangements.
Phone: 410-974-2941 x107

Make a Legacy Gift (Planned Giving)
Designating a planned gift is a flexible way to provide a legacy for the protection of precious natural resources and our national treasure the Chesapeake Bay. The most popular and easiest method of leaving a legacy gift is to include the Trust in your will or living trust. Your assets remain in your control during your lifetime and you can modify your bequest at any time. Let us know you have made arrangements in your estate plans to be included in our Legacy Circle of Friends.
Please contact the Development Office with any questions.
Phone: 410-974-2941 x107
Email: sarmstrong@cbtrust.org