Impact of Our Work - Chesapeake Bay Trust Skip to main content

Impact of Our Work

Our vision is that the Chesapeake Bay and local watersheds are healthy and safe, our waters are fishable and swimmable, local communities benefit from these healthy resources, and everyone participates in restoring and protecting our natural resource treasures. The Trust works with many funding partners to collaboratively support natural resource projects. Thank you to our grantees; our many federal, state, local, corporate, and foundation partners; and our donors, who enable us to expand our reach and make these projects possible.

2023- 2024 Year in Review

native trees, pollinator plants, marsh grasses, and other native plants installed
acres of forests, stream buffers, seagrass beds, and wetlands created or restored
acres of invasive species removed
oysters raised and released
acres of impervious surface treated or removed
square feet of rain gardens created
rain barrels installed
pounds of trash removed. including single-use plastics that choke wildlife and harm our ecosystems’ health
students engaged by 5,501 teachers
35,992 people educated through 2,057 workshops
people educated through 2,057 workshops
volunteers engaged, donating 111,002 hours

Each year, we report on our activities, accomplishments, financials, and impact.

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