Charles County Tree Planting - Chesapeake Bay Trust Skip to main content

 Charles County Tree Planting

The goal of this program is to implement tree planting projects in the County that will increase tree cover in urban and rural spaces bringing the benefits of increased forest habitat, improved water quality, and providing a natural cooling system to urban heat. This will ultimately enhance the health and wellbeing of human and natural communities of the County’s local watersheds.

Who can apply: Project site proposals are sought from individuals, nonprofit organizations, and public and private educational institutions, businesses, and contractors. Projects on individual private, commercial private, community-owned, school sites, and nonprofit-owned property are eligible for funding. Projects on federal and state land cannot be considered under this funding source.

Applications are also welcomed from any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations such as: local watershed groups, community associations, faith-based organizations, public agencies, and Soil/Water Conservation Districts. See the RFP for the full list of organizations.

A Charles County Long-term Protective Agreement for Tree Planting will be required (638622734724770000 ( This Agreement is required to be executed by the property owner(s) and submitted along with a Preliminary Title Report to the Charles County Planning Division for review and processing for County Commissioner signature and filing in the Circuit Court for Charles County in Land Records prior to release of grant funds. If the property is owned by an entity, documentation must be provided as to who has authority to sign on behalf of the entity and the entity must be in good standing with the State of Maryland.
Check the following link to determine standing: 

This opportunity is open to:

  • Project Managers: Applicants must be established organizations capable of managing and leading the project through its implementation phase. Eligible organizations include nonprofits, commercial landowners, consultant firms, contractors, and similar entities.
  • Landowners: Applicants, such as individual landowners or small homeowners’ associations, who have project site ideas for tree planting but are unable to serve as project managers, may submit their proposals. The Trust will coordinate with Charles County, the local State Forester, or another relevant entity to arrange for a contractor who can manage and lead the project through its implementation.

What this funds:

  • Site preparation costs (soil amendment, invasive species removal)
  • Plant material
  • Planting costs
  • Educational signage (County and Trust logos must be included)
  • Community engagement, education, awareness, consultation, and collaboration with local organizations or non-profits in relation to tree planting and benefits
  • Two-year maintenance costs
  • Title Report (required with the Charles County Long-Term Protective Agreement for Tree Planting)
  • For not-for-profit entities, project management costs

How much can be awarded: Requests for funding from this program will generally be less than $20,000. Large land tracts should be approximately $4,500 per acre, costs for urban trees will be compared to the standard of $100- $600 per tree planted, to include the trees, supplies, labor and maintenance.

Is match required? Match is encouraged but is not required.

Office Hours

Charles County Planting Office Hours
Every Thursday until Feb 27, 2025, from 3:00 – 4:00 pm
To join us, please use this link: Office Hours

Program Status: OPEN

Deadline: Rolling

Click Here to View the Request for Proposals (RFP)

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Grant Questions & Technical Support
(English and Spanish)

Marylin Veiman Echeverría
Program Officer for Outreach and Education
410-974-2941 ext.130

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