The goal of this program is to implement cost-effective reforestation and afforestation projects in the County that will increase tree canopy, create forest habitat, improve water quality, provide ecosystem services, such as potable water and air quality, and provide a natural cooling system to urban heat. This will ultimately enhance the health and wellbeing of human and natural communities in the County’s local watersheds and the Chesapeake Bay.
Who can apply: Project site proposals are sought from individuals, nonprofit organizations, and contractors. Projects on individual private, commercial private, community-owned, school sites, and nonprofit-owned property are eligible for funding. Projects on federal and state land cannot be considered under this funding source. Proposed project sites will need to have or place the reforested area under an easement for protection in perpetuity.
Applications may include any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization such as local watershed groups, community associations, faith-based organizations, public agencies, Soil/Water Conservation Districts, individual landowners, contractors, and more. See the RFP for the full list of organizations.
This opportunity is open to:
- (a) applicants who have the capacity and interest in leading a project through implementation
- (b) applicants, such as individual landowners or small homeowner’s associations, who have project site ideas that they would like to offer for tree planting projects, but who are not able to serve as project leads.
Applicants may therefore apply to either:
- (a) serve as project manager to implement a forestry project (Track A), or offer project site ideas and obtain technical assistance from the Trust in implementing a forestry project (Track B).
What this funds: For those requesting funds through Track A, funds may be requested for:
- Plant material;
- Site preparation costs (soil amendment, invasive species removal);
- Planting costs;
- Two-year maintenance costs;
- For not-for-profit entities, project management costs.
How much can be awarded: Requests for funding from this program will generally be less than $20,000 and should be generally less than $4,500 per acre.
Is match required? Match is encouraged but is not required.
Grant Questions & Technical Support
Marylin Veiman Echeverría
Program Officer for Outreach and Education
410-974-2941 ext.130
View the Trust’s Application Accessibility Statement