Restoration Research Award Program Final Products - Chesapeake Bay Trust Skip to main content

The effect of best management practices on water quality: Optimizing monitoring to reduce uncertainty and maximize scientific value

Climate Impacts to Restoration Practices
Tetra Tech, Inc.


The following databases are available at the link above:

  1. IDF-db_040120-2050.xlsx. Climate-adjusted estimates of precipitation intensity-duration-frequency curves under future climate for NOAA Atlas 14 stations in Maryland developed using Equidistant Quantile Mapping from LOCA statistically downscaled climate model output for CMIP5 In April 2020 as part of CBT grant #16928.
  2. 90th-%le-db.xlsx. Analysis of 90th percentile 24-hr rainfall events under future climate for NOAA Atlas 14 stations in Maryland developed using Equidistant Quantile Mapping from LOCA statistically downscaled climate model output for CMIP5 in Feb. 2020 as part of CBT grant #16928.

Note: Python code will be added to the link above when ready.

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