Thankfully, the Chesapeake Bay Trust’s project leaders know where to start:
Homeowners’ associations use our funds to install rain barrels and rain gardens in community areas to catch polluted stormwater before it runs down driveways and into streams and rivers.
Neighborhood groups spend Trust grants to remove litter, especially the single-use plastics that choke wildlife and harm the health of our ecosystems.
Faith-based institutions replace their concrete parking lots with pervious surfaces and plant pollinator gardens, stewarding our shared natural resources and fostering wildlife habitat.
Small cities around the region transform their Main Streets to Green Streets. New bioretention areas and street trees catch pollutants, filter water, provide shade, improve air quality, mitigate climate change, and beautify common spaces for residents and businesses.
Environmental justice groups partner with the Trust to ensure our marginalized neighbors can get in on the action, removing systemic barriers and building capacity on the ground.
Schoolteachers use funds to take their students on field trips to oyster farms and wildlife preserves, experiences they’ll never forget and that will instill a lifelong love for the Bay.
And you, with your generous Giving Tuesday gift, make it all possible.
A gift to the Chesapeake Bay Trust is a gift to YOUR community.
And just as every drop of water has a ripple effect, every dollar matters.
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Learn more about our vision for a renewed and resilient Chesapeake Bay region and see the reach of your donation at work.